1·Her killer had been arrested on multiple occasions, but was never deported.
2·On your second question, we have stated our position on multiple occasions.
3·On multiple occasions during the interview, Madoff told Walters that he was guilty of the crimes he was convicted of.
采访过程中,麦道夫多次向 沃尔特斯表示为自己的罪行倍感内疚。
4·In multiple ascending dose trials, each subject is treated on multiple occasions (e. g. once a day for a week) at a given dose level.
5·While there have been multiple occasions where I’ve nearly been killed on holidays, I’ve never had the need to call an emergency number.
6·Meanwhile, the Celtics maintained a lead over the Heat for nearly the entire first half and threatened to pull away on multiple occasions.
7·The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled salty foods such as soup and chips, on multiple occasions, spread out over weeks5.
8·We have recently informed the US on multiple occasions of the development regarding China's construction activities on islands and reefs in the South China Sea.
9·The authors propose that given the viral fossils' time span and diversity, the insertions likely happened on multiple occasions—possibly over the course of millions of years.
10·In fact, this reporter wrote an editorial on the subject called refactoring is a Necessary Waste two years ago, and the topic of refactoring has been covered by InfoQ on multiple occasions.